Tag Archives: lydia hudgens

My newest “Why I missed the gym this week” excuse

Meet Calamity….

Saturday night was an interesting night after work I walked over to the pet store next to my salon because they were having a kitten adoption and I wanted to look at them. Just look, I swear.  I found an adorable one named Duke but didn’t want to take in another kitty, so I headed home.  Who would have thought that when I got home a kitten would have found me.

I walked in my door and heard a kitten crying so loud it was breaking my heart.  I kept sticking my head out the window looking for it and I couldn’t see it but it was so close sounding, so I climbed out my window onto my fire escape (in my leopard print irregular choice platform wedge boots no less!) and started to look around.  Then I saw her climbing thru leaves and junk on the second floor roof of my neighbors building.  They were home and ignoring her, how could someone do that!!??  I couldn’t get to the roof because of the railing, but lucky enough these brownstones are close together and this kitten knew I was there to save her.  She walked to the end of the roof and I reached out grabbed her by her scruff and pulled her through my railing and brought her in.

when I brought her in

She was so teeny and I had nothing to feed a kitten, and on top of it I had a hissing growling 15 year old cat angry at me.  I shut us in the bathroom and called Jake, he was heading over and we were supposed to have a date night but needless to say that go canceled.  I messaged a friend who rescues cats and she sent me a link to an emergency kitten formula recipe.  Jake and I both had to go out and search for the ingredients and a way to even get her to eat it.  I ended up having to buy an infant’s advil just to get the syringe out of it.  We fed her for the first two days with the syringe and now she is eating her formula off a plate yay!

I don’t know if you know this or not but kittens this young, (she is probably just at  or a little under 4 weeks right now) you have to help them pee and poop! Jake watched a bunch of youtube videos of how to do it and there we were rubbing wet cotton balls on its butt.  What a fun weekend lol.

She now goes in the litter box which would be awesome but she still poops on herself every time so this kitten has gotten more baths than i have at this point lol.

I took her to the vet yesterday got her de-wormed, flea stuff, FIV testing, and anything else that was expensive lol.  She weighed exactly 1 pound yesterday and they said other than the common issues of outside kittens she was healthy but said she wouldn’t have made it if I didn’t save her.

Calamity’s first cab ride

The vet also told me that kittens this age need to be held pretty much all the time.  She cries if I put her down so I have now mastered the art of doing everything with one hand.  Luckily I had off from work until today so I was able to spend all that time with her, but now I am trying to figure out what to do with her since I have to work today.  I might have to end up taking her to work and leaving her in the big carrier that I have.

So the biggest question is…

Am I keeping her?

I don’t know, I’m attached, she is attached, Jake is attached, and Lydia is attached.  What makes me nervous is Angel, she’s the queen of the house and even the vet said it will be a really rough transition, but the vet told me to keep her lol.  As of right now I am keeping her because she needs so much work.  IF I can find her a home that is as good as mine or better I will adopt her out but I want to see some credentials haha… no seriously show me your credentials.


Filed under daily

Bitches Love Cake

It’s true. Borgore and Miley Cyrus say so.

So this weekend was my birthday.  It was pretty awesome, I worked until 5 on Saturday at the salon and then when I was done the owner Chantal surprised me with the coolest cake EVER.

How cool is that!!  This was made by a local bakery called Sweet and Shiny!  I love how she added like everything I love into one cake.  I think one of the coolest things is that it is on a mirror! Then to add pink, barbies, blood, and pearls!  WHAT!  The best part is that not only was the outside freaking awesome but the inside was so good, coconut and hazelnut (we think) yum yum.

One of my clients brought me in Hello Kitty balloons and I was determined to get them home even though I road my scooter.  I am sure I looked hilarious with a glittery pink helmet and hello kitty balloons dragging behind me down Flushing Ave.  After work I got ready and met my friend Dan for dinner at a vegan junk food place called Food Swings and he surprised me with little cakes from Vegan Treats!  Every year for geez probably at least 8 years I had a Peanut Butter bomb cake and Dan kept it alive.  So we are up to Cake number 2 for the day…. We went to a Zombie burlesque show after which was awesome!  I totally want to see other shows by them they were funny.  My favorite performer put strips of liquid latex down her arms and legs and instead of pulling off gloves or fishnets she pulled off the latex.  Sounds gross but it was so well done!

On Sunday was my actual birthday.  Jake and I didn’t get home till super late so we slept in, had breakfast, went to the gym then went to his Dad’s house for dinner, and what do you know  had an ice cream cake lol…

I had so much cake its crazy, but i still had it for breakfast today lol. cake cake cake

My gym week last week was only so-so but I actually finally hit 40 pounds!!!  Maybe my body needed a little bit of a break I dunno, but yay!  40 pounds!  Hopefully soon Lydia and I will have a chance to take photos, I have so many new shoes to wear but both of us are busy like every day, and the sun goes down so soon now. boo!

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Filed under daily, weight loss achievements

Surviving Hurricane – SuperStorm – FrankenStorm Sandy

If you don’t all know by now, I live in Brooklyn, New York.  This past week has been crazy.  This is actually the second blog post that I have written about it, but the first one was from a different view point than I have today so I decided to re-write it.

I will start with the weekend… Saturday was a normal day for me, I worked all day and then headed to Jake’s house for the weekend, I knew about the hurricane and I did stop and buy a few things at the grocery store instead of waiting for my normal Fresh Direct order because they had e-mailed us to ask us to move our deliveries to another day because of the storm but I really didn’t pick up much.  I have to admit on Saturday I really didn’t take the storm totally serious.  I figured it would be rough but really didn’t think it would be a disaster.  Sunday when I woke up at Jake’s we found out that they were shutting down all subway services and bus services at 7pm, and when Jake’s brother came in he said that they were evacuating people in his area but closer to the water.  I had taken the bus because I wasn’t sure if it was going to rain, so I had to make sure I went home early.  I left around 5.30 and while I was walking home, I went past a grocery store, I stopped again and picked up water, some more food, and a dinky flashlight that was like the last one there.  I have to admit seeing how everyone was reacting was sort of making me nervous especially with people getting evacuated, but with the weather still holding up I just cast my feelings aside and was like it’s going to be fine.

Monday I woke up to wind, a ton of it.  So much that the tree in front of my building was almost touching our windows and we were nervous that it was going to fall.  Other than the wind though it really didn’t seem so bad so I planned on still heading out to the gym.  It was open and it is only 4 blocks away so I was like why let a hurricane keep me in, lol.  My landlord knocked on my door and told me that my scooter was knocked down so I ran down to pick it up.  It was actually half in the street and hit a car, the lock was all tangled and every time I tried to pick it up I got blown over.  My roommate Lydia came down barefoot since she didn’t realize I was outside and had to help me.  After we got my scooter tucked safe against the fence, I was standing there wet and windblown, and started to take the whole hurricane serious.  No I didn’t end up at the gym that day.

Since I did feel so guilty for skipping the gym I decided that I would at least do something constructive and I played Just Dance 3 Katy Perry edition to keep me busy.

I am not going to say it was a replacement workout but hey, it was calories burned instead of sitting on my butt on the internet like I was doing and it kept me distracted from what was going on outside.

Early in the day some of my friend’s in Manhattan had their electricity turned off to prevent damage from flooding, then later another substation exploded which knocked out another huge area of Manhattan.  It was crazy watching the news and looking on facebook and seeing what was happening but there were so many photoshopped photos going around it was hard to tell what was real and what was fake.  I have a ton of friends that are in affected areas that I was keeping in touch with including Jake.

Seeing the videos of the cars floating around the lower east side, and the flooded subways was crazy.  But for me all I was doing is seeing photos.  It is weird because here I am in a little Brooklyn bubble.  I never lost power, internet, cell service, and that tree never did fall into our apartment.  There wasn’t a massive clean up that had to happen on our street, just a heavy raking.  My iPhone, iPad, and laptop were fully charged, and my candles were never lit and I never did turn on that flashlight.  But then hearing from Jake who was in a zone B evacuation zone telling me that cars were floating in his garage and his basement was flooded so they have no hot water.  He was lucky and still had electricity but he didn’t have anything else.  Monday night when I went to sleep I woke up to a text from Jake telling me to call him when I got up, and I didn’t hear anything from him all day which made me nervous.  I stalked him and finally got a hold of him and he was fine but was going to stay at his house to take care of his cat and to make sure his apartment was okay with the next high tide.  Later that night he lost electricity and luckily the bus that connects us had started running so he hopped on the bus and came to my house.

Wednesday I was supposed to work but my clients couldn’t make it so I took the day off.  Jake and I went to the gym (twice) and even he was surprised how different it was between our two neighborhoods.  We are less than 8 miles away from each other but he says it looks like a totally different world.  Where I am everyone was out shopping, the gym was packed and it was pretty much a normal day, by him it is a totally different story.  He went home today because he has to go back to work tomorrow and oddly enough even though the school that he works at is way closer to my house it is almost impossible to get to with the few subways that are open right now.

Like I said it is still hard to get the full impact of this storm when you are in my area, we pretty much are stuck here unless we figure out the many bus transfers and deal with hour upon hour long waits to get on the shuttle buses to Manhattan.  I am lucky that my job is just a little over a mile away and I am lucky that I have my scooter to get to work.  Until I realized that I need gas in my scooter to make it work.  I knew there was a gas shortage but it didn’t hit me just how horrible things are until I drove by 5 gas stations all with police tape wrapped around them with huge signs saying that they are out of gas.  There is literally NO GAS!  I still have a half a tank in my scooter which is good for maybe 30-40 miles so I have to make sure I only go back and forth to work on it until the gas situation gets sorted out but its just crazy how bad we were hit.

I know NYC is not going to be back to normal for a while.  I am super impressed how fast they got some of the subways up and running already.  Even though they are extremely limited, the damage that the entire system took I never thought we would hear subway trains today.  A huge amount of people lost their homes, still have no electricity or anything, and a lot probably won’t have it for a while.  It is going to take a  long time to get NY back to where it was this weekend before the storm, but it is good to see the progress that we are making and it is awesome to get all the e-mails from businesses that have power offering their electricity for people to charge their phones.  And the fact that right now the MTA is completely free to use for right now.  A lot of people have banded together and are helping everyone and even hosting people that have been displaced.  Even the Loom building where my salon is located is trying to start up a donation drop off zone so that we can gather donations of food and water to help.

The New York City Marathon

A hot topic today on my facebook feed seems to be the New York City Marathon.  It is still going on this Sunday as scheduled, and a lot of people are angry about it.  I don’t really know how I feel about it.  If there is one thing that the marathon does is bring in people and money.  It is estimated that the marathon brings in about $340 million to the city, and the company that runs the event, New York Road Runners, is using the marathon as a platform to raise money for recovery.  They apparently have already planned to donate $1 million and have secured $1.5 million from sponsors.  And with the amount of damage that this city sustained, we kind of need that, don’t we?

A lot of the feedback that I have been reading on facebook is what about the fact that people are still in need and to take the police and EMT’s away from relief efforts for crowd control when there are still people in shelters, people missing, and people with no food or clean water is crazy.  Others think that all the supplies that are being saved for the Marathon should be distributed to the people in need, and that the people that are ready to run, shouldn’t.  Mayor Bloomberg says that he plans on having a majority of the city back and running (with electricity at least), including the Staten Island Ferry by the weekend which will free up a lot of police.  I have been reading a bunch of articles online about and it seems like some of the people that are flying in for the marathon are also planning on volunteering to help relief efforts while they are here.  So in a way it can be good for the city.  It will help raise awareness of what is going on, and help raise money to help all the people affected by the storm.   What do you think?  Do you think that the marathon should have been postponed?  or do you think that this is something New York City needs during a tough time like now?

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Zombies! October Update Photo Fun

This past Sunday was super eventful, after I went sky diving I rushed home and got ready to go to the NY Zombie Crawl.

Since Lydia was home she offered to do a super quick shoot to track my progress and because my make up was super cool!

If you live in NYC you should definetly go to a Zombie Crawl, if not to dress up like a bloody zombie, but purely for the entertainment factor alone.  Some of the people get so into it and their costumes are amazing and they really take on the whole zombie act.  This year we started at Webster Hall then wandered over to Union Square for pictures and then onto the bar hopping.  Which we ended up skipping.  I still have not drank since New Years, and I don’t really miss it and I was super tired anyway from getting up so early.  So Jake and I headed home.

Zombie Dance!


lol…. my cat rules. this photo cracks me up every time I look at it!

I LOVE this dress, I actually wore it to one of my best friend Tina‘s Vegas Wedding a few years back when I was her maid of honor, and I wore it on the first episode of Hair Battle Spectacular when I was revealing my Christina Aguilera hair piece.

The dress totally still fits, thanks to the tie in the back, in fact it probably fits like it is supposed to now lol.  I was actually going to put blood on it since I figured I would never really wear it again, but Jake and Lydia talked me out of it.  The dress is by Hell Bunny, it’s a few years old but I am sure if you really wanted it you could find it somewhere hehe. But if you do get it the neckline will be different because I had a friend make it flow a little better with the heart cut out, it looked awesome but made the top of the heart weak and when I wore it on the show I tore it in half and we had to sew it back together lol, which is why there is now a slightly awkward seam running down the middle.

About my Zombie Make up

Last zombie crawl I used liquid latex to do all my gross skin effects, but I am sure we all remember what my face looked like for the week after.  What an annoying allergy! Liquid latex is so versatile!  But since I decided I didn’t want to put my face on the line again to be a zombie I looked into other options and stumbled upon gelatin.  Now this was a tough-y for me, I don’t like to use animal products but it was either this or latex so I went with the gelatin.  I saw a ton of recipes to make it yourself but since I didn’t want to experiment more than I already was I ordered a set from a company called Mehron.  It worked pretty awesome and it was way more comfortable than liquid latex!


I was happy with my make up over all considering that it was the first time I ever tried it, but next crawl I am totally going to take it a lot further!  I also hope that next time Jake will let me do a little more than a head wound on him hehe now that he got a taste of just how far people take it.

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The case of the incredible shrinking dress

Right before I left for LA my roommate Lydia took photos of me to celebrate my 35 pound loss.  I love the pictures, but my bangs prove why it is important to have hair and make-up on set lol. Dumb cowlicks always get in the way.  Other than that I love em!  This was also the first time I wore the new extensions that I made, which Robert hates because I wear them too messy and don’t brush them lol.  I guess Brooklyn is wearing off on me a little  which I never noticed until I walked around LA.

I love this dress.  I found it at Daffy’s in a pile of old lady dresses, it was the only one there and it fit!  And the funny thing is that it still fits, because every time I drop it off to get washed it comes back smaller and smaller, it’s kind of working out to my advantage that my laundromat shrinks some of my stuff doesn’t it.  And of course I had to highlight my Irregular Choice shoes!  This is the first time I ever wore them outside, I was kind of sad to scratch the cool bottoms up, that is the hardest thing about Irregular Choice shoes, the soles are so cool its hard to want to walk on them.









I don’t have very clear photos of me wearing the dress in the past, but for comparison here is a photo of me that Steve Prue took for me to send in when Hair Battle Spectacular contacted me to audition for the show and a photo from two years ago when I was in Vegas for my bff’s wedding. Big difference right?






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Six months of working hard

Since I have an awesome roommate that is a photographer we decided to shoot monthly progress pictures.  Last month I hit 30 pounds, this month is my 6 month anniversary of really buckeling down and working hard on losing weight and getting healthy.

This month was a tough one, I got stuck in a plateau for most of the month and no matter what I did I just wasn’t loosing anything.  So I had to bring in the big guns to start again, aside from buying my Polar FT60 heart rate monitor, I also hired a trainer to help me come up with a new routine.  I only lost two pounds this month, but at least its something, and I am definetly building up more muscle tone.

I might be crazy because I keep buying smaller versions of the same dresses that I already have.  So again, this dress is a much smaller version of a dress that I wore on the first episode of Hair Battle Spectacular.  I LOVE this dress, its super comfy and the best part is, it has hidden pockets!!!  Anything with pockets really sells itself to me.  Also I know I said before that hiring a personal trainer was going to kill my shoe budget, but I just had to sneak in one last pair of Jeffrey Campbells because they were too good to pass up. (but then I bought another pair sunday night.. shhh)

LOVE these!

this is my crazy face

and I couldn’t resist another cliche pose…

and now for the comparison, this is me in the larger dress about a year ago

You can get the dress on one of my favorite sites eshakti.  I love them because you can customize everything, give it sleeves, change the neckline, or in this case make it wayyyy shorter (its not too cute in the maxi dress form).  You can find the dress that I am wearing here.

The shoes are of course Jeffrey Campbell I bought them off Karmaloop,  I always feel like they have the best promo codes and I have a rep code that you can get 20% off lol.  Type in KristinJHair in the rep code section and you can get them for cheaper!.

Thanks to Lydia Hudgens for waking up early and taking pics of me!  It’s always easy and fun, if only I was a better model lol.

Also I am still running the the 5 mile Muck Ruckus race against Multiple Sclerosis.  I have made my goal but I would still love to raise more.  As I said before my mom has this disease and I would like to do all that I can to help find a cure.  So if you want to be one of my sponsors click on my personal page and it is super easy to donate to the cause!


Filed under photo shoots, weight loss achievements

My week in Instagram and my 6 month gym anniversary

This week marked the 6 month anniversary at the meathead gym that I go to.  Even though I started this whole journey a bit before I signed up for this gym, I didn’t start being super consistant about it until I signed up there.

In the last 6 months I have lost 32 pounds and dropped 5 dress sizes.  Pretty crazy and awesome.

I really have to give credit where it is due to my boyfriend Jake, he has helped me so much along the way and has always given me feedback on how I am doing and encouragment when I need it.  He is my own personal trainer and I don’t think I would have seen as much progress if I didn’t have his help!  We go to the gym together at least once a week, but we only just started actually training together which is even more fun so hopefully we can continue doing that as much as possible.

arm day with Jake!

arm day for me = huge fat burning day. The highest percentage I have done so far!

look who is building a tricep!!!

Jake took this picture for me when I was doing rope pushdowns (I think that is the right term haha) to prove to me that I am progressing.  He is my cheerleader for sure.

the foot pod that didn’t count my milage…. boo

I was so pumped for this foot pod to track my milage and today I went to the gym twice, ran both times and it isn’t showing up in my stats, I can’t figure out what I am doing wrong.  I have to say, while I do LOVE my Polar stuff, they really give you horrible directions, and it really takes some time to figure out how to use it all correctly.  I have read, and re-read the instructions for this foot pod and I just can’t figure out how to get it to track my milage.  Tomorrow is one of my running days so I hope that I can get it to work.

week 3 stats!

This week was a tough one, I wasn’t feeling well Tuesday-Thursday so I was pretty easy on myself on Tuesday even though I planned on working super hard because I was working out with my friend Bianca Alexis.  Then on Wednesday and Thursday I had to skip the gym.  I ended up working out with my trainer Friday and Saturday so definetly got in some good workouts, especially today.  In order to reach my calorie goal, I went to the gym, not once, but twice.  I went in the afternoon with Jake to do arms and some sprints, then after he went home I walked over to Planet Fitness to get some more cardio in since I was basicly 1 and a half work outs short for the week.

I didn’t lose any weight, but I would say being able to see my muscle is some good progress I suppose.

Tomorrow I am waking up early and doing a photoshoot with my roommate Lydia,  so I totally should be getting my beauty rest, but instead in true night owl form, I started writing this blog instead of just doing it later.  Can’t wait to post the new progress photos! so keep and eye out!

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Filed under weight loss achievements

What a Longggggggg week

amazing color and style i did at my salon

This week has been super eventful and packed so I haven’t been able to update my blog, but have kept up with my workouts and stuff, in fact worked harder.  I was decently busy at work and also hired a trainer that I worked out with twice last week.

My trainer, Alex started with me on Tuesday morning.  He did more cross training stuff with me, but did a pretty good job showing me some new moves to help get me out of my slump.  I woke up the next day with super sore legs, so sore that I walked noticibley funny, and i made it worse by wearing platform flip flops so i just walked awkward all day.  I worked out by myself Wednesday then Thursday I was back with Alex again at my meathead gym which was fun.  Friday and Saturday I went to Planet Fitness by myself and did intervals on the arc trainer and abs.  Sunday is usually my day off from the gym because I usually stay at Jake’s house for the weekend and his gym won’t allow guests (lame!)  but this weekend Jake stayed over beacause one of my best friends, Tina was in town so we all went to the gym together Sunday and Monday.  Sunday I did an arm day with Jake which was really fun, we usually don’t work out together because a lot of the stuff he does I can’t do, but I definetly want to try to do that more with him.

my stats for the week thanks to my Polat FT60

I really worked out 8 sessions but on the first day with Alex I didn’t wear my heart rate monitor, and on Sunday when I was doing a bicep curl the monitor unsnapped and fell off and didn’t count it!  I’m super excited because I ordered the S1 Foot Pod to track my running, so I can’t wait to see next week what it says!

Tina came up to not only hang out, but also to see Jake wrestle, he had a match Saturday night which turned out to be really fun.

Jake is front and center ❤

For the main event every minute a new guy entered the ring, and the only way to be disqualified was to fall out (or be thrown out) of the ring.  It got pretty crazy, but it was really exciting, I was glad I got to go to this one.

If you live in the New York area, and you like wrestling, you should totally like the Warriors of Wrestling’s facebook page and go to a match!!

We also got to see the new Batman movie, shopped in Time Square, and ate at one of my favorite restaurants (and the place Jake and I went on our first date) Wild Ginger.  yum!

I tried out a recipe for a protein peanut butter cup that my roommate Lydia found on a YouTube channel called Lean Body Lifestyle

I followed his recipe however I used my vegan protein powder by Vega.  The vega protein needed a lot more water than if I used a whey protein, so mine came out a little thicker, but its still pretty good, I can’t eat a whole one, it filled up a whole cupcake wrapper!  but i will definetly make them more once i finally finish the two that i made haha.

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Filed under daily, gym

Video Shoots and Photo Shoots

Today I shot a hair tutorial at my salon for NBCny for the show Thread NY.  If you have never seen the show it is pretty cool, they talk about fashion and lifestyle stuff from high end to budget friendly stuff.  Ocassionally they do hair and make-up tips, so it was pretty cool that they contacted us to do a segment for them.  I won’t give up what I did until the video comes out, but hopefully it came out okay lol.

Since I was already done up, and I am lucky enough to have a roommate that is a photographer I drug Lydia outside and had her shoot some photos of me.  Figured I should have some photographic evidence of me since I finally hit the 30 pound loss.

Let me begin this with saying I am a horrible model.  There is a reason why I do hair behind the scenes… but I did learn a few of the cliché model poses/ blogger poses so to all my model and blogger friends don’t take offense lol… but you know that’s how a lot of you guys do it.

This is one of my favorite dresses in my closet.. In fact I liked it so much that I ended up buying it a second time in a smaller size, so this is the newer smaller one yay!

it took a lot of laughs to get the pose above lol

cliche 1

cliche 2… my favorite

and just to add a comparison to my “old body” here are some shots that were taken when I was “Dimples” on Oxygen’s Hair Battle Spectacular season 2.  Same dress shape, only 4 sizes bigger hehe.


Filed under daily, photo shoots