Oh What A Difference a Year Makes

Well I did it, I pretty much completely changed my life in a year.  it’s funny (or not funny) but it literally took me until today to realize that while yes, I did say that one of the reasons that I didn’t start this sooner was because I wasn’t completely miserable with myself, but now I realize I secretly was.  Why do I say this now?  Because trying to find a full length photo to compare myself to was IMPOSSIBLE!  I have like none, I went through my entire computer, and my iPhone and only found a few.

Today was an awesome day, started out with the gym, then I headed over to Manhattan to do a screen test for a cool opportunity I got offered to try for, then I headed over to Soho to meet up with my good friend Bianca Alexis to shoot my 1 year of working out anniversary photos.  Bianca is a cool chick, we used to party together way back when and then got reconnected at a photo shoot a few years ago.  We really bonded over the past few years and she is another one of my cheerleaders as well as also a person that has been there.  She has even been working on her own blog talking about her weight loss journey so you should totally check it out! www.BiancaAlexis.com/blog

Well back to me!

It’s hard to say if I thought that a year ago I would be where I am now.  I made some tough choices to do all this, one being slowing down my hair career for it.  Do I regret it?, I thought I actually might have, but I don’t.  I mean lets face it, if I didn’t do something, sooner or later it would have actually slowed me down. So I just took the bull by the horns and did it now.  I feel like me taking this year off of working constantly was needed, I needed to help myself for a little bit, and concentrate on getting myself healthy and happy in my own skin.  As I have said a million times this year has not been easy at all.  I changed my entire sleep schedule, I stopped drinking, watched what I ate, and worked out 6 days a week an hour to 2 hours each workout!  I cried, I pleaded, I got discouraged, and then a switch went off and I actually loved it…. all in only one year.

photo copy

late 2011

I feel like this photo is the perfect example of who I was.  This was me getting ready to go clubbing.  When I was at this point of my life I was staying up until about 4 or 5 am and sleeping in until at least noon, I drank, I partied and I worked.  That was it.  That was my life in a nutshell.  When people would ask me to describe what I did I pretty much just said i worked and would go clubbing.  Now my list of things I do, or have done is so much bigger and well, a lot less destructive to myself.  I am not only a happier person in life, but I am a happier person all around.  And even more important, happier with myself.

Jan 29, 2013

Jan 29, 2013

In a year I have lost 43.6 pounds.  I tried so so hard to get up 45 but I am still satisfied with that number.  I worked my butt off to get to where I am now and I still am.  Am I done?  Not in the least but at least now its not work.  Now I want to do this everyday.  I want to lose another 40 pounds.  I would like to say that I can do that by next year but I am not going to be disappointed in myself if I don’t make that.  Every pound that I have lost in the past few months has been worked double as hard as the first 30 or so, and I can only imagine it is just going to get harder.  I have times where I don’t lose anything and then other weeks where I loose a couple pounds at once.  It sometimes gets discouraging, but then a photo from my past will pop up on facebook, or a client I haven’t seen in a while will come in and be amazed and it will remind me how far I have gotten and keeps me going.

Bianca told me to smile so I did my "Dimples" pose

Bianca told me to smile so I did my “Dimples” pose




realized i forgot to paint my nails… no close ups for me!

can't forget the shoes! Jeffrey Campbell Damsel Spikes in Pink

can’t forget the shoes! Jeffrey Campbell Damsel Spikes in Pink

I can honestly say that this year has been one of the best years of my life.  And this is a year where I didn’t do hair for a huge music video, or film a reality show, or anything huge like that.  It was a year where it was just me (and Jake hehe) working on ourselves and doing things we always wanted.  I got to go skydiving, I am about to go snowboarding for the first time, I did mud and obstacle races… I even got my family involved in some.  I’d say that even though I didn’t have a year where I did things in my career for my parents to brag about to everyone they know, I still had a ton of successes in other ways and they can still brag if they want… but it’s okay if they don’t because I will haha!

Well here is to the next year!


Filed under photo shoots, weight loss achievements

21 responses to “Oh What A Difference a Year Makes

  1. Love, love, love this post! You look stunning at any weight love and you’re an inspiration.

  2. Gin

    I love the anniversary post hun! I love you so much girl! I’m so happy you were brought into my life and I’m so proud of you and how you’ve evolved since the day we met. You can tell by your face and your body language that you’re happier, to see the person you were and the person you’ve become is what inspires me (although I’m a southern girl and juicing ain’t gonna cut it for me haha). I love ya sweety! You ever need anything, you know I’m only a phone call away. ❤

  3. Pingback: Kristin Jackson – Most Successful | Bianca Alexis's Photography Blog

  4. amazing story! thank you for sharing! we are cheek piercing twins too! I am struggling to start this mission ahead of me so thanks this has really helped! can’t wait to follow your blog now.

    What jewellry do you wear in your piercings? i norm stick to plain but was wondering how to ‘fancy’ them up?


    • Thank you!!! It’s hard but if I can do it anyway can. If you read my very first post I talk about how I quit everything lol.
      as for my jewelry I wear industrial strength pretty much exclusively. I have a lot of metal allergies so I can only wear titanium, and I will only wear internally threaded jewelry as well. This are pretty much my standard the ball has a pink swarovski crystal in it. I love them, I also have these really cute unicorn horn looking spikes but they are super sharp and when i wear them I constantly poke my bf with them so I don’t get to wear them much lol

  5. I’m so happy for you Kristin!! So many people can’t take that first step, and you did and went for it!! I’m extremely inspired as well! You look amazing, and I can see the smile on your face all the way over here in California!!

    You are beautiful and I’m glad you don’t think its work.
    That’s a great way to think about it!

    Rock on girl! *tear – so proud!

  6. losing50laps

    Awesome changes in one year. Keep it up! After all you know you can now!

  7. Lynn

    I brag about you always You look great 🙂

  8. cheryl lynn gering marsh

    kristin, you are an inspiration to me, i am struggling at this point and feeling discouraged. i have made gains ( or should say losses) but it feels like its taking forever to get where i want to be, i am going to give myself a year instead of wanting to be done by 5:30 tonite lol….just wanted to tell you that you have inspired me with your workout posts,,,and even more so with your internal attitude, I learn so much from you and i want to thank you for the many gifts you have given me. THANK YOU!!!

  9. Kristin your journey has been so inspirational to watch! I’ve been popping by sporadically all year, but this post really puts into perspective just how much work you’ve done! You really have changed your life in a year.

    At the beginning of each year I take time to think about how I can make my life a bit ‘better’ or closer to where I want to be, but this post me just how much of a change I could make if I really put my mind to it!

    Thanks for the inspiration! You look fabulous!

  10. This is incredible. You are such an inspiration!

  11. You are such an inspiration!!! I hope to make as many healthy changes as you have in one year! Keep up the great work!

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